Statement of Faith

Pathways adheres to and upholds the statement of faith outlined by the Association of Christians in Counselling. The statement is as follows:

The Association of Christians in Counselling and Linked Professions sees our ministry as part of God’s desire for His people to work to bring healing and wholeness of spirit, mind and body.

The Association affirms the central truths of the Christian faith as expressed in the Bible and historic creeds. God is one and this unity is revealed to people as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The ACC recognises this and specifically the Lordship of Christ and the authority of Scripture in all areas of belief and practice.

The Association acknowledges that there are different emphases within the various counselling and pastoral care traditions, and recognises that some approaches are more at ease than others in integrating Christianity with psychological understanding, theory and practice.

It is not our purpose to make all Christian counsellors think the same or counsel in the same way. The same applies to those involved in the ministry of pastoral care. However, we do expect our members to have a specifically Christian worldview. A Christian counsellor or pastoral carer works with overall assumptions that underpin their counselling and caring. These may be implicit or explicit. They should be consistent with:

  • What the scriptures reveal about the nature and activity of God – that He is both the creator and judge of human beings and their redeemer in Christ.
  • People being created in the image of God – although, because we are fallen and sinful, we are in need of God’s redeeming grace.
  • Christ as the one true Saviour and Lord. Through His life, death, resurrection and the gift of the Holy Spirit, God has made available all the resources of His grace to rescue people, heal them and bring them to maturity and wholeness.
  • His work of rescuing people, irrespective of who they are or what they have done, and bringing them to faith and maturity in Christ, through the work of the Holy Spirit.
  • God’s work of justice and mercy in the world and His love towards all people.
  • The reality of a fallen world where suffering, pain, guilt, fear, broken relationships and fragmented communities occur.